Friday, July 25, 2014

Cucumbers Aren't Just For Your Eyes... Refreshing Cucumber Mask

Refreshing Cucumber Mask

What makes cucumber good for skin?

The humble cucumber may seem like a simple water-rich vegetable with little nutrients but actually, studies show that fresh cucumber extracts contain many potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients! This makes cucumbers a great kitchen ingredient for a smooth and supple face! This refreshing cooling vegetable contains 95 per cent water and provides important benefits for skin including skin lightening, brightening, hydrating and toning. You can use a cucumber as a toner for oily skin and as a moisturizer for dry skin. 


• 1/2 cucumber
• 1 tablespoon ground oatmeal
• 1 tablespoon honey


Puree 1/2 a cucumber in a blender or food processor. Add it into a small mixing bowl. Stir in the rest of the ingrdients well. Using clean fingertips, gently massage the mixture onto your face in a circular motion. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. When the time is up, rinse off the face mask with cold water. Pat dry with a clean towel.