Friday, June 25, 2010

What NOT to put on your face!

Lately, I've been talking about the virtues of retinol, vitamin C and fruit acids, given extensive skincare regimes, and chatted about lash enhancing Latisse. 

How about what you should NOT be putting on your face? Many people are probably not as anal retentive about their facial skin, and tend to just slap it on and go. The purpose of this blog is to let you know about things that are better left for other places on your body and no where near your face! 

BAR SOAP & BODY WASH --> Many bar soaps & body washes contain dehydrating ingredients, like glycerin, as well as perfumes and artificial colors that can cause irritation. Skin can feel tight or become flaky after soaping, which can lead to an increase of oil production thus the possibility of congestion and acne. 

APRICOT SCRUB --> Hey! Use it on your bod, but not on your face! Most people over exfoliate with physical exfoliants like apricot etc that can cause skin irritation and even more serious problems like dermatitis. It microscopically tears delicate facial skin and leaves it irritated and broken which is a free invitation for bacteria to get in and cause inflammation. 

ALCOHOL--> Products containing SD-40, isopropyl alcohol, is a common ingredient that can be an irritant for acne-prone and senstive skin types, that leads to redness, dryness, and in some cases, brown spots and premature aging.

For more:

Monday, June 14, 2010

New Ask the Expert

Q)   Hi, I'm a 32 year old male. I have good skin and only a have a slight wrinkle at the eyes, but I do have bags under my eyes. A hereditary trait I think. What can I use to keep looking young and to reduce the bags under my eyes?

Read the article HERE!